Monday, January 16, 2017

The 100th Day is Coming!

Click Here For More Info :)

Pajama Day... and a little shaving cream fun!

There is nothing more fun than wearing some comfy pjs to school... well, except playing with shaving cream!! The students had a blast wearing their pjs to school and making a mess while working on some CVC words! FUN!

Merry Grinchmas!

The kids had a blast dressing up for our Grinchmas Party. Thank you to those who were able to make it to our party. It can be a little crazy in kindergarten... but that's what makes it fun!  :)

Gingerbread Houses

How has the time gotten away from me!? I just realized I have not shared all of our fun photos from over the holidays. We started off by making some cute, little gingerbread houses. Thank you for all of the donations! The kids had a blast decorating their houses... they did such a great job! :)